It’s June 29th, 1914
Introducing Falling Through the Archives
100 years ago, there was a man named John. Or was it 80 years ago? Or was it today? Even John’s not sure. All he really knows is that while so many things change, there are also so many things that stay the same. Traveling through the web of time with his old friend Ed in their ever-changing barber shop, John makes a point to always grab the local newspaper. The time capsules that let him and Ed know exactly where, and more importantly, WHEN they are.
Today we find John returning to the shop with a copy of The Alexandria Gazette. The date is June 29,1914, and they are in a place called Alexandria, Virginia.
June 28, 1914, Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, and his wife Sophie were assassinated, and an already heated history is about to become searing hot.
It’s the beginning of World War 1, and most people have no idea how bad things will get. Will John and Ed stick around? Or is it time for them to fall a bit further through time? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Join me again in a few days when we look in on John and Ed again as they continue Falling Through the Archives…
This podcast has been brought to you by Watershed Z Productions.
Jim Hodges - As the Narrator
John Teach- As John
Cori Andre - As Ed
With Special guest
Mike Allender- As Advertisers
Music is from 1914 – and in the public domain.
In order they are…
What Time Tomorrow, by Billy Wiliams
Love’s Sorrow, by Emory B Randolf
Credo, by Ruffo
And The High Cost of Loving, by The Peerlass Quartet
Sound Design and Editing done by Hayden Hodges
The newspaper articles read on the show are actual written accounts of the time period and can be found in The Library of Congress under Chronicling America.
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Always pay attention to where and when you are, or you too may find yourself Falling Through the