Welcome to the Doomsday Roundtable

We'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been listening to Break Channel 13. It's definitely been a learning process, and we're excited to bring you our first season finale on the evening of Sunday, November 18, 2018. Also known as the day it all began.

But first! Join us that same Sunday (11-18-18) at 3:30 pm eastern standard time on Facebook live for our first episode of The Doomsday Roundtable.

There we will discuss what may have caused the power to have gone out in our story. CME, EMP, or Power Killing Computer Viruses... What are they? Be part of the conversation as we talk about the very real consequences any of these catastrophic events could cause. Starting with, what would be your first personal heads up? And, how do you think the initial psychological impact of such an event would effect you? We hope to see you there! In the meantime, have a great day, and thanks again! Your support is greatly appreciated.

All rights reserved, Image original art work and property of Watershed Z Productions.

All rights reserved, Image original art work and property of Watershed Z Productions.